Home Uncategorized Four Greedy Lawyers Arrested In KickBack For Patients Scheme

Four Greedy Lawyers Arrested In KickBack For Patients Scheme


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Four South Florida personal injury lawyers were arrested .All have since bonded out. Mark Spatz who basically inherited a law firm from J.Jay Simons when his son Daniel got ill  with Leukemia.Spatz of “Simons and Spatz” has not only apparently ruined his career ,but also now dragged J.Jay Simons legacy thru the mud. Back in the day in Broward county there were no better personal injury and medical malpractice lawyers than Simons and Schlesinger.

Mark Spatz, 58, faces 13 charges and posted $13,000 bond.

Adam Hurtig,46, faces 14 charges and posted $18,000 bond.

Vincent Pravato, 48, faces three charges and posted $2,750 bond.

Hurtig, Spatz and Pravato all have law offices in Fort Lauderdale.

Steven Slootsky, 57, has a law office in Boca Raton,formerly a Broward county based lawyer. He faces 15 charges and posted $13,000 bond.

 “were actively involved in illegal patient brokering and the unlawful solicitation of motor-vehicle accident victims throughout South Florida,” according to arrest records.


The lawyers would pay runners from towing companies  and body repair shops to solicit accident victims for them. The lawyers then referred the victims for medical treatment to Margate Physicians or Broward Spine Associates in Plantation, who would pay the attorneys cash for the referrals.“After the patient was brokered to the health care facility, the facility was then able to begin treatment and bill the auto insurance companies for claims covered by the PIP benefits, which resulted in fraud on the insurance companies,” according to the arrest records.

Deerfield-News.com has not been able to confirm if any of the above doctors will be charged or have been  with any crimes.

Mr.Bogenshutz and Mr Rogow