Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Deerfield Beach Roads Littered With Trees and Debris Beach from Wyndham South...

Deerfield Beach Roads Littered With Trees and Debris Beach from Wyndham South Road Has Sand Issues




Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield-Beach-Driving the City of Deerfield Beach,post Irma.I started on Hillsboro and Powerline going through Boca Raton on 18Th street to Federasl from Military Trail.Many trees, tree branches and palm frontons all across both cities down electric lines are also down.I stopped at Deerfield Beach just before the pier and spoke with a BSO Deputy who cautioned me to be careful of the downed lines and warned me of heavy sand accumulation on N.E 21 Ave.Noticed many street signs fences and business signs have blown down.I did not see any significant structural damage,so if any reader have fotos of bad damage please forward so we can share.Still windy out there and BSO is out in force patrolling and enforcing curfew which is in effect until 10Am.Deefield-News.com has emailed Broward County as some are reporting they are extending the curfew.

Power is on in places and off in others places.We saw most traffic lights working. FPL is reporting over 641,900 customers without electric as of 7Am.Please let us know if you are with out power and where. Had a few encounters with deputies tonight.Thankfully after talking with them and explaining I am a newsblogger I did not have any issues. I-95 almost eerily empty of cars as seen in video from 18Th Street overpass in Boca looking south torward Deerfield Beach.Which is a good thing to allow crews to clean up and first responders to check on those who did not evacuate.

FPL advising of “Scammers” representing to be FPL employees,all trucks are marked, all employees have ID and will “never” ask to enter your home.

Beach and Pier pics from this AM-Joann Giancane