Home Politics BREAKING-Deerfield Beach Blogger and Activist Chaz Stevens Wants BSO To Investigate Facebook...

BREAKING-Deerfield Beach Blogger and Activist Chaz Stevens Wants BSO To Investigate Facebook Post


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach Fl-We were planning on a follow up story to our FOIA request about Mayor Ganz and his telefonic and electronic records during the time period he says he was unavailable in his email to me,and without communications.That FOIA request was a result of the Mayor emailing me about a different post I made to the same group on Facebook.
We are still awaiting the City Of Deerfield Beach to comply and send us the requested documents.

Then I get the following from Blogger “Ojun Provacateur” and Deerfield Beach activist Chaz Stevens.

About another Facebook post to “Deerfield Beach Politics”.

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Ken Wayne’s Possible Violation of Florida Wiretapping Law
Chaz Stevens (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Fri, Jul 14, 2017 5:38 pm
To: “Schnakenberg, Robert”
Cc: bill ganz , Miller Commissioner Joe , Manager Burgess Hanson City , Maurodis Andrew , [email protected], gloria battle , Anne Geggis , [email protected], [email protected]
Capt’n Schnakenberg;


As you are well aware, Florida’s wiretapping law is a “two-party consent” law.

Florida makes it a crime to intercept or record a “wire, oral, or electronic communication” in Florida unless all parties to the communication consent. See Fla. Stat. ch. 934.03. [1]

Florida law makes an exception for in-person communications when the parties do not have a reasonable expectation of privacy in the conversation, such as when they are engaged in conversation in a public place where they might reasonably be overheard.

That’s the “perceived right of privacy.”

Attached please find an unedited video capture[2] of a file uploaded to the Facebook page “Deerfield Beach Politics” by local lunatic John AssGrassy who says: This is a recording that has come my way. The Voices are Mayor Bill Ganz and Former Commissioner Ben Preston from what I can tell, and some others. The Subject is the Deerfield Beach Packer Rattlers. Please listen and comment.

The recording was taken during the 2017 Sun-Sentinel Editorial Board’s interview with Deerfield Beach mayoral candidate. As you can *clearly* hear on the tape, then Mayoral-candidate Bill Ganz asks if the interview was being recorded. As you can also clearly hear, Sun-Sentinel staffer “Andrew” indicates there’s no recording.

Well, it seems that Ken Wayne didn’t feel the same compulsion to indicate he is secretly recording the interview. And somehow, the recording made it from Ken’s flip phone to AssGrassy’s Walmart-issued PC.

I’d said Dumb meets Dumber … but really, that’s like an Escher painting with those two idiots.

So, FS 943.03 says the interception and disclosure of wire, oral (sorry folks to include oral and Ken Wayne in the same sentence), or electronic communication is a 3rd-degree felony, punishable by the breaking of modest-sized rocks into smaller, more conveniently sized rocks.

Given this, I would like to file a complaint against Ken Wayne, alleging the possibility of violating the above. I’d like a report filed, people interviewed, possibility waterboarded and made to listen to Justin Bieber.

No really, I am quite fucking serious here, all kidding aside.

I think Wayne might have done wrong and would like your people to look into this matter.

Thank you.

Chaz Stevens
[email protected]

[1] http://www.leg.state.fl.us/Statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0900-0999/0934/Sections/0934.03.html

[2] https://www.dropbox.com/s/v4eglfd5l6pwv4w/Ken%20Wayne%20Sun%20Sentinel%20Interview.mov?dl=0

Certainly any response from the group or those mentioned in Mr Stevens letter to BSO I will publish.