Home Business Breaking News-Be True To Your Shul by “The Pool Praying” Continues At...

Breaking News-Be True To Your Shul by “The Pool Praying” Continues At Deerfield Beach Condo Pool!



Deerield-News.com* Deerfield Beach Fl,-In a bit right from the late great radio legend Nell Rogers. Rogers amongst many funny comedy routines and bits had a song ‘Be true to your Shul” he played frequently.Here in Deerfield Beach Century Village East a controversy about a shul at the pool continues.”Be True To Your Shul by The Pool Praying Continues At  Berkshire Condo Pool!

As Deerfield-New,com had previously reported a shul of sorts has been holding services at the  Berkshire Pool. A common area for all residents/owners of Century Village.This has become an issue betwen the Shul attendees and others that reside in Deerfields largest condo community.Tonights attendance seemed to be  about twenty something people.Religious Jews require a minimum of ten or a Minyan to conduct prayer services.

The issue is not that the Jews are holding services,but in a common area meant for all.As we reported there are 3 Synogogues within walking distance.There is another that uses Le Club to hold services and can be accessed by most of the people I saw at this service tonight.As well I saw people getting into cars, so I have to assume this was not a religious shabbat service for Orthodox Jews  where people can not walk to a shul?

I am myself am a little perplexed and wish one of the worshippers would share.This is a news-blog and you are entitled to post your side.

Our source Hesh has come through. He told us the praying would continue.He assured us at Deerfield-News.com short of CVE Master Management denying the worshippers access or a court order praying is going to continue at The Berkshire pool.We have had no comments from Master Management or any Condo Association in Berkshire about this contentious praying at the pool.Make no mistake there is a group of other condo residents that think this is improper and violates Condo rules and should stop.Again our expert on Judiasm said he thinks this group can and should be attending local shuls or holding  a private service in someones home.

We say be true to your shul.