Home Business Fake News From Fake Web Sites From Deerfield Beach to Macedonia...

Fake News From Fake Web Sites From Deerfield Beach to Macedonia and Beyond!



Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl- Business-All you have to do is a simple Google search on news or scan your Facebook wall, fake news is certain to be there.

For sure you will find them, stories so sensational some outlandish usually pertaining to the US election.

These stories is most cases can be DEBUNKED simply by looking at the URL,the domain from which the story begins.Sometimes it is as simple as a “whois” search to find the domain owner and you will see these so called “news sites” are from out of our country usually in Russia or Macedonia.

Yesterday when President Elect Trump called CNN a Fake news organization he might have stepped over the line,ok he did. In refusing to take or answer a question from CNN reporter Jim Acosta,Trump censored the news by stifling it.

How does fake news become real or accepted.That is because people are accepting of what they see without doing any due diligence to research facts.Facts are facts and no one is entitled to their own set of facts.The media must stand together and insist this and any other administration have an open door “Free Press” and no censorship in any form is acceptable,including not answering a reporters question at a press conference.

How to see who owns a domain and web site.

For example if you went to www.Godaddy.com or www.domaintools.com and searched for who is the owner of www.Deerfield-News.com I should be the registrant of that domain.I have seen stories where the domain is similar to a legitimate news website like www.abcnews.co but that is not www.abcnews.com there is a difference and the former “THE FAKE SITE” is infringing on both ABC Trademark and www.abcnews.com Domain rights.Try typing in a ‘abcnews.co” as a link  to a domain on Facebook now ,see what happens,you can not do it.Facebook has installed software now recognizing this and to stop it.

I have seen so many of these fake news sites I began to wonder what is the motivation for the foreigner or the domestic fake news generator? Google’s Adsense or any other advertising platform available to monetize and convert views into clicks.That is correct views to clicks on Millions of page views is big money with a decent click through rate on any “Pay Per Click” platform.In other words if you have a website with whatever content and you monetize it and in fact Google and Facebook unintentionally have helped by promoting such sites by allowing them to be monetized, in the case of Google.

Google has announced that last month it will BAN fake news sites from particpating in it’s Adsense program.

Facebook seems to be more guilty of promoting the sites and accepting money for “Paid Sponsorship” which gives the website owner more click throughs by driving traffic from their FB page to the monetized website.So Facebook is earning directly by these “Fake News Sites” placing ads,

Then there is infowars.com they claim to be informing viewers of news, but at best Mr.Jones seems to offer conjecture to conspiracy theories on all subjects political.No Mr.Jones reports are not factual they are conspiratorial.

Last month facebook and Google say they have taken steps to change this fake news phenomenon.I have noticed less search results for these fake news websites,but still see plenty of fake news on my Facebook and Twitter feeds.