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Deerfield-News.com Heavy Sheriff and Police Presence Outside Houses Of Worship This Weekend- What To Do During Active Shootings- Part 1


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-This weekend and especially yesterday I noticed at many Synogogues and Churches with extra police presence.Maybe the most amount I have seen in a while.Driving into Palm Beach County also I noticed the same.Many marked and unmarked vehicles and officers or deputies in Broward and Palm Beach.We all have seen all too many cases of active shooting events,including at Fort Lauderdale airport and Pulse in Orlando, Vegas and Texas and way too many to list in one sentence.

We have written before about our concern if Churches,Synogoues, Mosques should all be utilizing special details that BSO and or PBSO and local police departments will provide,along with their normal security procedures.

I have requested from BSO any information,suggestions and or videos they may have available we will include that material as soon as we recieve it.

Meantime we did find a video worth watching from Brevard County Sheriff .

The advice from them Run,Hide or Fight in that order.Please take the time and listen to the Sheriff it may save your life and someone elses too.