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Folks While You Were Cleaning Up From Irma What Went On At Public Hearings In Deerfield Beach Without The Public?


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-As we reported the other day Deerfield Beach held “Public Hearings” on the 12th and 13th of September,apparently by virtue of Governor Scott’s  “State of Emergency” allowing such meetings.We have asked for clarifcation and an explanation from Mayor Ganz as to who,what where and why these Public Hearings were held during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.The city of Deerfield Beach was closed,yet you the Public were not at or even invited to,it appears “Public Hearings”.

Mayor Ganz has been responding to emails of ours and Facebook messenger,that said he still has not answered the questions below.I emailed the following  when he asked me to be specific.



Bill Ganz <[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Sun, Sep 17, 2017 1:27 pm
To: [email protected]” <[email protected]>
Ask a specific question and I’ll get you an answer.
Maybe they should come right to the source.
All electricity has not been restored, though most have.

Bill Ganz

Mayor of Deerfield Beach


Date: Sun, Sep 17, 2017 2:06 pm
To: “Bill Ganz” <[email protected]>
I am not stopping anyone from contacting you or any other elected or city official.I am trying to get some answers to some good questions,others they are on their own to contact whomever and or post thier opinions and thoughts on Facebook or whatever media they choose.
Public Hearings of Sept 12,2017  Nusiance Abatement and  Fire Rescue Special Assessments.
 Public Hearings, Sept 13th at 9:30AM Public Hearings of Sept 12,2017
1-What were these “Public Hearings”  about?
2-How or where were they held? What special ordinance or statute gives the city the right to hold when the city is closed?
3-Who paricipated in them,elected officials,city employees ,members of the media,residents?
4-What is going on with the hotel at the cove? Is it going to be bulit as agreed?
Is it going to built? When will contruction begin if it is being built?
5-Is the city or BSO or BSO Fire Rescue or some other organization done anything to verify our seniors are not stuck in their homes without power,A/C and water?
Howard Levy
