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Breaking News- When A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words State Wants Deerfield-News.com To Not Disseminate Photos


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach Fl-What we reported on yesterday seems to have The State of Florida Department of Health’s General Counsel concerned.
We received the following email today and it is our decision to continue to publish the information they released to us.

What is it the public should not see about our water treatment plant in Deerfield Beach?
Now that repairs are needed at Goolsby Boulevard the one and only operating water treatment plant in the city. Our concern is how do they shut it down without another source for city residents water.

Important: Public Records Request
“Eichner, Paul D” (Add as Preferred Sender)
Date: Tue, Aug 15, 2017 8:47 am
To: “‘[email protected]'”
Dear Mr. Levy:

The Department of Health responded to your public records request yesterday. Your request specifically sought information regarding possible water system corrosion and rust. In our response, reference was made to certain photographs not being released pursuant to exemptions as permitted by law under the Florida Statutes. As a practical matter, the pictures were inadvertently released. Those photos are exempt from public disclosure pursuant to §119.07 and §119.071 (3)(b)1. and 2. I understand that six of the pictures were posted on your website. We would ask that you respect the intent behind the law. We request that you please remove the published pictures that have been posted as soon as possible and refrain from further dissemination of those images.

Thank you in advance for your consideration and cooperation.


Paul D. Eichner, Chief Legal Counsel
Office of General Counsel
Florida Department of Health-Broward County
780 SW 24th Street
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315