Home Business Page Views Versus Engagements Envy “Metrics Battle of The Boca News Blogs”

Page Views Versus Engagements Envy “Metrics Battle of The Boca News Blogs”


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-This is about two local news websites that I admire.Just a little tongue in cheek humor about why competition is good for all, as well as a Free Press.Anyway I think both a websites “page views” or “unique visitors” and Facebook likes are good.I understand and do agree Facebook has the monetezation of everyone’s Facebook page, unlike websites which can be monetized by Google Adsense,and it’s competition and selling direct ads if you have the traffic.
Guys I am going to keep reading both Newsblogs and hope I can get a fraction of your page views and likes.

Our take also is Deerfield has the better beach while you both have a better website traffic wise than us.So as my favorite radio talk host Neil Rogers would have said I have a Shameless Request.
Please Like Us On Facebook,follow us on Twitter and keep reading www.Deerfield-News.com

From May 24th West Boca News Facebook page .
West Boca News
May 24 at 6:09pm ·
Thinking of advertising with someone else? Think again.
West Boca News has an ENGAGED audience – 100 times or more the engagement of most of our local competitors.
Social media is all about engagement. We deliver.
Message our page or e-mail us – [email protected] – to find out more. Or call us – 888-733-5299.

From BocaNewsnow.com-Note To Readers, All Quarter Million Of You This Year

BOCA RATON, FL (BocaNewsNow.com) — We’re not going to engage in a war over semantics, but another website is claiming that it’s tops when it comes to engagement in Boca Raton news. To be clear: “engagement” is a made up word by people who believe that Facebook views mean something. They don’t. They aren’t monetized. They aren’t sellable. And at the end of the day, it’s Facebook that benefits.

BocaNewsNow.com has enjoyed nearly a quarter million page views this year, holding its spot as the top ranked hyper local news website in the area. This isn’t a job, it’s a hobby. The website doesn’t attempt to make money, but it does. We don’t advertise. You’ve come here on your own.

To be clear: we couldn’t care less about Facebook. Our content is auto-copied to Facebook as a convenience to those who spend their lives there. We don’t promote it. We just don’t care. We also appreciate yet don’t care that we have 2,441 twitter followers to another local site’s 433. What we do care about is that BocaNewsNow.com has impact. Our articles have led to hirings and firings. They’ve incited exonerations. They made the comfortable uncomfortable.

If you want a local news site that boasts about “Facebook engagements,” this isn’t your site. If you want a site that actually has impact, we say both “welcome” and “thank you” for being a loyal BocaNewsNow.com reader.