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Trump Has Inauguration “Crowd Size Envy”!


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-In his first full day as President Trump chose to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters.The President received briefings from top officials.Then in front of the Wall of Honor memorializing all CIA agents killed in service to our country,he speaks about crowd size.Like a child talking in the third person President Trump says no one respects the CIA like Trump.I am going to give you so much backing you will ask me to stop giving you so much backing.”Inauguration Crowd Size Envy” has become the new “Small Hand Envy”……
The  speech full with self accolades has offended many CIA officials and past CIA officials are deeply saddened today by Trumps remarks.Todays news cycle should certainly have been about other things,but Trump just can not help himself.Inside one of our nations most important buildings and Trump failed to really pay tribute to those dedicated CIA professionals that attended todays meeting.

Sean Spicer Press Secretary was sent out today to spin how the Twitter picture from the New York Times and ground coverings and magnatometers slowed up things.Spicer alluded to things are larger than they appear in pictures.

The Secret Service denies claims made by Spicer about attendance figures.He also claimed it was the largest inauguration ever.Also appparenty peeving President Trump, The National Park Service released numbers disproving that.Picking a fight with journalists and having no facts is bad .

Trump blamed the media and that is not factual.A New York Times Tweet showed pictures side by side of 2009 and 2017 and the crowds in the pictures were larger in 2009.That means nothing except to thin skinned President Trump who needs to understand the press is going to follow him and challenge him sometimes with TWEETS.

Today the crowds protesting from NYC to Miami and beyond were HUUGGE.Fact is way more people came out to protes tagainst this administration than did the inauguration.Trump has Crowd Size Envy,get over it Donny