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BREAKING-Deerfield Beach Kosher or Not Kosher Condo Elevator, Pool Praying Pits Jews Against Neighbors!


Deerfield-News.com- Deerfield Beach,Fl-In a story Deerfield-News.com broke a few weeks ago regarding Jews praying at The Pool Shul.The saga continues in The Berkshire section of Century village East, Deerfields largest condo community.Now it is not just the “Be true To Your Shul By The Pool” but elevators.Deerfield Beach Condo Elevator And Pool Praying Pits Religious Jews Against Neighbors! In something you could only find in a South Florida condo community this one takes the cake I mean elevator.

Some buildings in Berkshire have KOSHER elevators that run continuosly on the Sabbath.This allows religious Jews to use the elevators to get to Shul without causing it’s use to function.Thus making it permissible for religious  Jews to take up or down.ln Berkshire A apparently this is now a hot issue.Deerfield-News.com is posting a letter written by a condo owner to the federal government.In a letter we are posting below to The US Justice department David Heller is asking The DOJ to take a look at this situation.


As we have reported Sabbath services and fixing of the bathroom lights have taken place at The Berkshire pool.Our sources say this will continue this Sabbath at the pool.Stay tuned as Deerfield-News.com will be at the pool and follow up with the elevator debacle.Keeping an eye on what is kosher and not kosher.



This evening services were again held at the Berkshire pool.There were about 40  Jews in attendance.