Home Boat Parade Save The Date 61st Annual Holiday Boat Parade Coming To Deerfield Beach...

Save The Date 61st Annual Holiday Boat Parade Coming To Deerfield Beach December 15


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-

Annual Holiday Boat Parade

The City of Deerfield Beach CRA is an official sponsor of the 61st Annual Holiday Boat Parade that will take place on Friday, December 15, 2023, at 7:00PM at Sullivan Park, 1701 River Road. DFB Boats welcome If you are interested in being a participant, click hereAnnual Holiday Boat Parade to register your vessel. The theme this year is “A Salute to our First Responders.” The Parade begins at Lake Santa Barbara and proceeds north through the Hillsboro Bridge and around Sullivan Park in Deerfield Beach. The bridges on Atlantic Blvd, 14th St. Causeway & Hillsboro Blvd will be in the upright position from 6:15 until the Parade passes by, so please plan accordingly.

For more information contact Connie Davis, Director of Special Events at: PH: 954.383.2285 or cdavis@pompanobeachchamber 

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