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Single Care Poor Customer Service


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-First time user of Single Care and not happy. Why do these discount RX companies bombard you with emails and ads on Facebook and then when you go to use it they do not produce the price promised. I have used GOODRX before and did not have an issue Today at Walmart on Military Trail the pharmacist entered the code and the discount was under a dollar from the quoted Walmart price, the coupon was basically useless. I have contacted Walmart customer service and I am awaiting their response. SingleCare is telling me I should have contacted them while I was in the store. I contacted them after coming back home and paid the 50.76 Walmart charged The customer service rep online chat was not very helpful. Hopefully, someone there will read this and they will do the right thing. The coupon was for $15.00.