Home Boca Raton Boca Raton Police Investigating San Remo Stabbing Death

Boca Raton Police Investigating San Remo Stabbing Death


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-From Boca Raton Police-

Boca Raton Police investigate homicide in San Remo
Boca Raton – On Saturday, October 10, 2020 at approximately 8:30 p.m., Boca Raton Police responded to a single vehicle crash at 400 Club Circle. Officers and Boca Raton Fire Rescue arrived on scene and located the driver, who appeared to be suffering from a puncture wound to his chest. The driver was treated on scene but succumbed to his injuries a short time later.
Boca Raton Police officers checked the area and located a subject in the clubhouse. The subject agreed to speak with detectives.
The subject explained he was riding his bicycle in the area of San Remo and noticed a vehicle following him. He recognized the driver as his drug dealer, who he owed money to. Once inside the San Remo neighborhood, the driver exited the vehicle and quickly approached him. The driver initiated a physical altercation, causing the subject to fall to the ground. The driver rummaged through the subject’s pockets and took his cell phone and pocketknife. The subject became even more fearful when he saw the driver in possession of the pocketknife and a struggle over the pocketknife ensued. At some point during the struggle, the driver sustained a puncture wound to his chest and the subject sustained a cut to his hand. When the driver disengaged, he ran back to his vehicle and drove away. A short time later, the subject heard a noise consistent with a vehicle crash. The subject got back on his bicycle and rode to the nearby clubhouse where he hid because he was afraid to leave the neighborhood.
At this time, the investigation is ongoing. If you have any information relevant to this case, please contact Detective Darryl Kingman at (561) 620-6096.