Home Uncategorized Broward County Issues Emergency Order 20-27 Clarifying Order-Keep Your Masks On

Broward County Issues Emergency Order 20-27 Clarifying Order-Keep Your Masks On


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Broward County has issued order 20-27 which goes into effect at 12.01 Am on October 2, 2020. The order was issued to help clarify exactly what is and is not required under phase 3. Many business owners, restaurateurs and anyone dealing with the public have been confused. Many local businesses were actually winging it in lieu of clarification from the local government. The order is a bit lengthy.

Below is the new order in its entirety


Keep your masks on unless-

  • Children under 2
  • Children in licensed childcare facilities
  • Eating, drinking, or receiving a facial grooming
  • A person with a disability
  • Public health and safety, fire, and other life safety personnel while on duty and in accordance with agency policy
  • People actively engaged in exercise
  • People who are physically in water and swimming
  • People who can: (1) constantly maintain 6 feet of social distancing from people of another household, (2) the only person in a room, provided it is not a common area. If another person is within 6 feet, they must put on a facial covering. This exception does not apply to retail, restaurant, food service establishments, nightclubs, bars, personal services establishments, amusement facilities, gym, or fitness centers.
  • Residents in their own home, but visitors must wear in a person’s home if 6-foot distancing cannot be kept.


  • For restaurants and bars, the following apply-
  • On-site consumption is still prohibited between 11 pm and 5 am
  • Establishments licensed to serve food may operate at up to 100% of indoor capacity if they have a food service license, however, tables must be placed at a 6-foot distance from one another.
  • Bar counters are open to seating by the public, but 6-foot social distancing must be maintained between parties. Plexiglass partitions are required between patrons seated at a counter and staff working on the other side.
  • Establishments that only serve alcohol (that are not licensed to serve food) must operate at no more than 50% of the establishment’s indoor capacity.
  • Consumption and beverages may only be at the patron’s assigned seat or (if needed to meet capacity) standing table.
  • Child gaming and play spaces must remain closed
  • Adult games, including darts, arcade games, billiards, etc. may be open. Food and drinks must be consumed only when the patron is at their assigned table. Patrons must not consume food or beverages while playing games and must wear a facial covering.