Home City Of Deerfield Beach Water Treatment Plant Smells Like Secaucus And Mount Trashmore

Water Treatment Plant Smells Like Secaucus And Mount Trashmore


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Several friends, and readers have contacted us to ask if we knew what was going on with the water. Some have complained of foul-smelling water straight from the tap. Others have written to state they have issues when making iced tea and other beverages with taste using tap water. Deerfield-News.com can only add we have been paying attention to the plant itself and it has been emitting a strange foul odor only similar to that of Secaucus NJ and ” Mount Trashmore”.

I have no new evidence as of this writing other than my calls emails and smell driving past the plant on multiple occasions at night. I have no proof of the

I have no proof of the  $14.6 Million in repairs have been started or are in the process, nothing.  Only the fact that we failed our tests 36 consecutive times.

Mayor Ganz, Mr. Hanson care to address the foul smell? Is there some special treatment going on? How is your tap water?

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