Home Boca Raton Restaurants “Dirty In Deerfield” Nah Bad In Boca Another Broken Egg Cafe Rodent...

“Dirty In Deerfield” Nah Bad In Boca Another Broken Egg Cafe Rodent Activity And Droppings


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-A recent DBPR inspection showed Another Broken Egg Cafe in Boca had rodent activity .

Twenty rodent droppings were found on the premises during the inspection indicating a rodent problem.


ANOTHER BROKEN EGG CAFE License Number: SEA6010841
Rank: Seating License Expiration Date: 12/01/2023
Primary Status: Current Secondary Status: Active
Location Address: 508 VIA DE PALMAS

Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date Result High Priority Violations Intermediate Violations Basic Violations
Routine – Food 10/04/2023 Follow-up Inspection Required
Violations require further review, but are not an immediate threat to the public.
More information about inspections.
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A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below. The department cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing. Intermediate violations are those which, if not addressed, could lead to risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury. These violations include personnel training, documentation or record keeping and labeling. Basic violations are those which are considered best practices to implement. While most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner (often during the inspection), the division’s procedures are designed to compel compliance with all violations through follow-up visits, administration action or closure when necessary.
Violation Observation
36-34-5 Basic – Ceiling/ceiling tiles/vents soiled with accumulated food debris, grease, dust, or mold-like substance. Vents walk in cooler **Warning**
08B-39-4 Basic – Raw fruits/vegetables not washed prior to preparation. Avocados in flip top cooler on cook line contain stickers. **Warning**
29-49-6 Basic – Standing water in bottom of reach-in-cooler. Reach in cooler at bar **Warning**
35A-04-4 High Priority – Rodent activity present as evidenced by rodent droppings found. Twenty rodent droppings on floor next to drying rack in dish machine room outside kitchen. Removed. Area sanitized. **Corrective Action Taken** **Admin Complaint**
03A-02-5 High Priority – Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. lobster (54F – Cold Holding); crawfish (54F – Cold Holding); chorizo (46F – Cold Holding); sausage (46F – Cold Holding); in flip top and reach in cooler drawers at end of cook line. Operator states food not prepped or portioned. Removed from walk in and placed directly In Unit less than Four hours. Placed in walk in cooler. **Corrective Action Taken** **Warning**
53A-05-6 Intermediate – No currently certified food service manager on duty with four or more employees engaged in food preparation/handling. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/hotels-restaurants/food-lodging/food-manager/ **Warning**
31B-02-4 Intermediate – No paper towels or mechanical hand drying device provided at handwash sink. Hand sink at end of cook line. **Warning**
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