Home Business Usedtires.com Industry Leader in Online Used Tire Sales for Sizes 18″,19″,20″,21″ and...

Usedtires.com Industry Leader in Online Used Tire Sales for Sizes 18″,19″,20″,21″ and 22″Used Tires


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Usedtires.com-As online direct-used tire sales continue to grow. Usedtires.com is growing along with the industry trend. Online sales via direct website purchase, Facebook Marketplace, and eBay have been skyrocketing changing the way Americans are buying tires both new and used tires.

Much like Tirerack which is now owned by Discount Tires changed online sales for new tires, the used tire industry has also seen a shift, especially in high-end tires. The sales of premium brands such as Michelin, Pirelli, Continental and Goodyear in used tires from 18″ thru 22″ have soared in online sales.
Many question why? Well, the answer is simple the price of new tires has risen, many tires now costing $400,$500, or even $600 a tire. Now many consumers seek high tread well well-inspected premium branded used tires to use daily and also will purchase when returning their leaseback vehicles. On the leaseback, many used tire dealers have discovered this lucrative niche market where the buyer needs the same size brand, and model in many cases upon returning the leased vehicle to the dealer. So why buy new?
Regardless of the nonsense of the new tire manufacturers association which is almost always negative sales and use of well-inspected high-tread used tires are a viable and safe alternative. The simple fact a tire was demounted from a rim does not make it unsafe to use. Driving on a severely worn-out tire is what is dangerous and with many states having no auto inspections most service stations do not offer service folks simply don’t always keep an eye on their tires’ tread depth. The United States discards over 300 million tires per year each and every tire that can be re-used should be either as a casing for a retreaded tire or sold as a used tire for passenger cars or L/Ts.



The reuse of still-good used tire or casing saves space in landfills or at least delays the burning of most end-of-life scrap tires in cement kilns which is still the number one way we recycle tires by getting the energy out of them to fuel a kiln.

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Need a used tire in the above rim sizes from “18-22” text us or call at 954-573-5012