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“Protect Our Term Limits” Spending Money Against Deerfield Beach Proposal To Extend Term Limits


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-A group called “Protect Our Term Limits” has launched an online and direct mail campaign against Deerfield Beach’s proposal on the ballot to extend term limits. A strong direct mail campaign and online ads on Facebook and other social media encouraged voters to vote no on the extension of City Commission and Mayoral term limits.

Deerfield Beach has the proposal on this year’s voting ballot for city residents to decide, again. The proposal would allow Commissioners and Mayor to hold 3 consecutive four-year terms instead of the 2 four-year consecutive terms now in the city charter.

The proposal reads as follows-Modifying Term Limits Restrictions for Mayor and City Commission.

The City Charter currently provides that Mayor and City Commissioners serve four-year terms and prohibits a person from appearing on a ballot for City Commissioner if by the end of their current term of office, the person will have served as a City Commissioner for eight consecutive years. It is proposed that the Charter be amended to permit service as a City Commissioner or mayor for up to twelve consecutive years.

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