Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach City Commissioners And Mayor Seek Changing Term Limits-

Deerfield Beach City Commissioners And Mayor Seek Changing Term Limits-


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach,Fl- One of the most important issues for Deerfield Beach residents is on the ballot on page 3.  That is extending term limits from 8 years for a  City Commissioner and eight years for Mayor to twelve years. This in theory would allow someone like Mayor Ganz to hold office for 24 years.

The proposal reads as follows-Modifying Term Limits Restrictions for Mayor and City Commission.

The City Charter currently provides that Mayor and City Commissioners serve four-year terms and prohibits a person from appearing on a ballot for City Commissioner if by the end of their current term of office, the person will have served as a City Commissioner for eight consecutive years. It is proposed that the Charter be amended to permit service as a City Commissioner or mayor for up to twelve consecutive years.