Home Uncategorized Frazzled Feline Rescued By Broward Sheriffs Rescue Firefighters

Frazzled Feline Rescued By Broward Sheriffs Rescue Firefighters


Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-A kitten was rescued from being stuck in a bathroom shower drain by Broward Fire Rescue firefighters today. The following information was received by Deerfield-News from Broward Fire Rescue Public Information Officer Chief Michael Kane.

Broward Sheriff Fire Rescue firefighters were summoned to the scene of an animal rescue in the 200 block of NE 42nd Court in Deerfield Beach this afternoon after a kitten’s toe became stuck in a shower drain.The new kitten named Janette was being bathed in the bathtub by her owner when the owner noticed that the kitten was stuck. The owner was able to remove the drain disk and meet firefighters outside where firefighters were able to successfully cut the drain disc from the kittens toe.

The kitten is resting comfortably and is expected to be PURRFECT.

Michael B. Kane, MPABattalion ChiefBroward Sheriff Fire Rescue & Emergency Services DepartmentCommunications & Public Information

We apologize as we are having technical difficulties uploading the video supplied by BSO Fore Rescue but if you cut and paste the URL into your browser below you should be able to view it at dropbox.



