Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Today on a couple of Facebook groups in Deerfield beach the topic has turned to the dogs. Many are questioning why dogs are not allowed at parks,today it was about Sullivan Park. We have received many emails in the past and done post about no dogs on the beach. Seems there are two factions those who want an area for dogs on the beach and those who want the code not allowing the dogs strictly enforced ant the beach.

Today’s posts from our group Deerfield beach are posted below. Let is know what are your thoughts about dogs at the parks and the beach.

Deerfield-News.com is of the opinion a dog-friendly section of the beach would be a good idea. The city of Deerfield Beach has the opportunity to utilize space north of the pier, including buying back the tract of land Ms. Clothier owns and turning it into a section for the dogs.

Here is our thought about fines and how Deerfield Beach spends more money to pay for code enforcement and does not collect fines, so what good are they if not collected?

I have written about the subject of fines many times. The facts are if Calvin and Giordano are in charge of collecting this fine we would never see the money. When I started this group it was for” readers” of the blog who followed us on Facebook. Getting back to the issue Calvin and Giordano have gotten paid 20 million dollars in the last five years from the city and not collected over “60 million dollars” in fines. Fines not collected is the last thing the city needs, enforcement with a collection of fines is what they must do. Remember BSO already has enough on its plate. The city is aware that people bring their dogs to the beach and sometimes let them off the leash to run free. The city is aware some want an area at the beach like other cities to have for dogs.


From Deerfield Beach Facebook Group

  • So no fun pretty much?
    Hide 11 Replies
    • Author
      I’m sorry you feel that the restrictions remove the “fun”. Many of us feel that these restrictions make the park enjoyable for everyone.
    • Gene Klein

      when done doing whatever you enjoy going to the park for, you can pack up, go home, and watch the grass grow.?

    • Gene Klein

      many of us feel folks like you need to be leashed and not allowed in parks.

    • Jack McCabe

      here we go

      Pause GIF

      thriller, Michael Jackson, eating, popcorn, watching

    • Author
      Jack McCabe

      When you say “us”, are you indicating that you are one of the individuals that walks their dog in Sullivan Park?

    • Gene Klein

      I’m indicating I am a dog owner and find most non-dog owners that complain about “small stuff” and dogs in a park to be undesirables.

    • Author
      Jack McCabe

      got it. So you are one of the dog owners who violate the “small stuff” rules and walk their dog in the park?

      Gene Klein

      worst set of rules ever. People like you peep out of their windows and yell at kids for playing to close to their crappy yards. Get a life


      • 2h
    • Danny Solares

      I have one of those neighbors… she is horrible ?‍♀️

    • Gene Klein
      May be an image of 1 person, dog and text that says 'I'M SUSPICIOUS OF PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIKE DOGS. BUTI TRUST ADOG WHENIIT DOESN'T LIKE A PERSON.'
    • Danielle Enchautegui

      can’t stand window peepers and safety patrols.. miserable humans who love to go around and remind people of the rules, like we aren’t civil. I get it. I love order and im all for following the rules but there comes a time when i…

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  • Same reason people take their non-service dogs into stores (particularly small dogs that they can put in the shopping cart) – because they think their wants and needs are far more important than the rules. I would love to do the same thing with my Ger…

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    • Paula Edwards

      actually LOTS of places allow dogs. ALDI, Lowe’s, tractor supply to name a few ? Everytime we go to Lowe’s our 90 lb Great Pyrenees goes with us ?

    • Kimberly Watson

      I know Lowe’s do, and I love seeing dogs in there, but I’m pretty sure you’re not allowed to take dogs where food is sold.

  • This country so damn divided people wanna fight and argue about every single thing there is. Do you think with somebody does with her dog is your problem in your issue to complain about just mind your business and be happy
    • Author
      Are you one of the people who walks their dog in Sullivan Park?


      • 3h
    • It seems like a non-issue until more and more people take their dogs there, and there are some dog owners that don’t pick up after their animals. Once the park is full of dog poop then people wonder …. how did this happened?


    View 9 more replies
  • Is so nice, we love it ?
  • Ppl walk their dogs all up in publix! ?
    • Kimberly Watson

      I do believe all Publix have a sign saying service animals only but people still bring their pets in anyway Publix managers are the only ones that can enforce it but they don’t just as long as the animal is not in the shopping cart


    View 2 more replies



    Candi Schaedel

    you’d be surprised to know that several public places actually allow pets. Publix may be one of these. I want to say when I ready the article I saw their name on the list ?

    • Like


    • Reply
    • 2h
  • It’s obviously not allowed. There’s a sign that says so. Enforcement is another issue – but I’d much prefer they enforce things that are endangering people. Were the dogs you saw hurting someone? Did they seem vicious? Did the owners fail to clean up a…

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    • Like


    • Reply
    • 2h
    • Unfortunately the good dog owners pays for the mistakes of the others.
      While i do agree with you, letting dogs walk in this park with no issue opens a window for others to do the same. And soon we will have issues where it should be none.


      • Like


      • Reply
      • 2h
    • Cris Tine

      furthermore, why are we blaming the messenger? People need to follow the rules and if they don’t like them, go to city hall and get them changed. I’m not going to take my dogs to places where they’re not welcome.

    View 6 more replies
  • Dogs can’t read
    Giggles and Ghouls Howl you doin'?, werewolf sticker
    E Mail the mayor’s office talk to them they can deal with it. Or call the city.


  • We have much more important things to worry about than a couple of dogs on Sullivan Park let’s all be kind to each other
    • Sandra Neighbors Culpepper

      sadly, people have forgotten about kindness.

        • 1h
    View 1 more reply
    Sandra Neighbors Culpepper

    what’s if some gets bit then what you Might wanna think agin there may be more problems in this world but if a kid gets bit or and adult as well think about it.

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    • Reply
    • 1h
  • They need to update the sign. It also says no bikes. But in the graphic, it shows a bike as one of the activities…
  • They are encouraging children to play there. Maybe some dogs don’t mix well with little children. Just a thought ?


  • By “animals”, I think they are talking about nasty people who complain
  • What the hell is wrong with our society when for every little thing people are at each other‘s throats and say the nastiest things. It’s downright pathetic.
  • Dog rules are outdated. The average dog is nicer than the average person. I suggest you go back to NJ.
  • Where’s our official dog park for people on the East?? curious… I don’t even have a dog
    • 1h


    I have written about the subject of fines many times. The facts are if Calvin and Giordano are in charge of collecting this fine we would never see the money. When I started this group it was for” readers” of the blog who followed us on Facebook. Getti…

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  • In my book, the majority of parks should be dog friendly and only a few that they are restricted for people that don’t like dogs. Instead it is the other way around, with dogs banned from most public parks and the beach. Perhaps instead of enforcement …

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  • Dear Lord, turning into a retirement park. What’s the point of having a recreation park if you can’t recreate. Young people and kids are being segregated to more and more places where they should not be loitering at all. Honestly how hard would it be t…

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