Deerfield-News. com-Deerfield Beach- No joking there is not much difference between the two candidates about four years. One is the incumbent and the other was a commissioner before him. One has been arrested for solicitation of prostitution the other apparently not.


I was a little surprised that in all fairness to Mr.Rosenzweig has answered the question have you ever been arrested with no. I am not surprised by his answer but that the journalists at The Sun-Sentinel have not asked that question of commissioner Parness.

Seems Parness would not answer the questionnaire given by the Sun-Sentinel. Makes one wonder why in a 2 man race with basic questions from the local newspaper who has endorsed him, again without what appears to be any due diligence.

When a public official has been arrested it is news. When that public official avoids the topic it becomes a scandal.Deerfield-News.com will be publishing the details of Parness’s arrest in the nineties so that in all fairness the voters know.

Some say not important old news. I say maybe old news but why lie or hide it.

The following is what Commissioner Parness gave the Sun-Sentinel.

Bernie Parness




City Commissioner, former small business owner


six years of college, no degree, Brooklyn College, NY Tech


widower, four children

Political experience:

Deerfield City Commissioner 2017-present

Campaign website:
Top issue 1:


Top issue 2:

Public Safety

Top issue 3:

Continued Smart Growth


Had the Sun-Sentinel done any due diligence they would have found the following.

Commissioner Parness has been arrested by BSO in a prostitution sting. While it was in the nineties it was an arrest and it was a sting, which means more likely than not it was not his first time.

The Sun-Sentinel whose piece we are print in full today, below. (Fair Use)


Your name: Richard S. Rosenzweig

What is your age and date Of birth? 82 – 04/08/1938

t is your family status? Married 60 years to wife Verna. Three grown children. One granddaughter, One great granddaughter.

What is your address and how long have you lived there? 97 Farnham E, Deerfield Beach, FL 33442, Lived there for over 10 years, full-time, and 5 years prior as a snowbird.

What is your email and website?

e-mail: [email protected];

Please tell us about your education and the highest degree you attained.

I am a high-school graduate, and have taken a few college business courses. Most of my adult learning has come from my eight years serving in the US Naval Reserves, and years of operating businesses.

What is your occupation?

Self-made business person. Retired. Since coming down to Florida, I have been a full-time volunteer for the Deerfield Beach community. Served as DFB Commissioner District 3, and as Vice Mayor.

Please outline your work history for the past 15 years.

My paid work history encompasses several decades, I believe the following history describes some of my qualifications for DFB commissioner:

I was a businessman, who worked my way up from salesman to corporate vice-president of a multi-million-dollar corporation, and was a successful entrepreneur, two times over. This the kind of background you need in a commissioner.

Have you ever been arrested, charged or convicted of a crime? Have you ever received a “withheld adjudication” or had a matter sealed or expunged? If yes, please explain.


Have you ever been a plaintiff or a defendant in a civil action, including bankruptcy or foreclosure, or had a restraining order issued against you? If so, please explain.


Are you a member of any civic groups? If so, please name them.

My public service is varied and has brought me a wealth of knowledge and fulfillment:

VP of COOCVE (Condominium Owners Org. of Century Village East); co-president Temple Beth Israel Synagogue; MPO Complete Streets committee member; League of Cities both Broward County and Florida State; Broward County Planning Council; Jewish War Veterans (JWV), Past Commander JWV Department of Florida; current Commander JWV Post 265; member League of Cities Florida State Charter Committee; Honor Flight Broward County, since its inception.

Have you ever run for office before? If so, where and when?

Ran for Deerfield Beach City Commissioner, served a four-year term.

Why are you running for this office?

I am running for commissioner because the issues that concern you, concern me. I like to say, “The Rosenzweig family tradition has always been service to the community”. My father spent his life working to take care of his family, as well as endless hours dedicated to the betterment of his city. From watching my father, I learned that the highest calling and greatest joy, comes not from what you get for yourself, but what you are able to do for others. Working on the Deerfield Beach City Commission, I experienced that pleasure of helping others. I look forward to serving my community in that capacity again.

If you have chosen to run against an incumbent, why specifically have you done so?

I have the energy, ideas, and passion to help people. All I have ever wanted is the best for Deerfield Beach, but people have been stopping me in the street to ask me to run, and help them with their unanswered concerns about Deerfield Beach. Some of these questions have included: code compliance, trash pickup, out-of-control homeowners and condo associations, among the many others.

Please describe your city and/or your district as you would to someone who has never visited.

Deerfield Beach is the greatest tourist destination in all of Florida. It’s beautiful beach, attracts tourists and underwater divers. Our International Fishing Pier is visited by many avid fishermen. It also has many lush parks and fine restaurants.

In your view, what are the top issues facing your city or district?

Traffic, green space, taxes and city finances, code enforcement.

Traffic: South Military Trail is a horrendous problem affecting the city. It will continue to be backed up in rush hour, not allowing residents to enter and leave their developments. I will put forth a series of improvements on this road. One of these, would be a dedicated lane from Goolsby to the east gate of Century Village.

I will fight uncontrolled growth. We welcome new residents to the state and the addition to the tax base. However, I propose a “Smart Growth Plus” program which would link building projects approval to the additional vehicles those projects add to our local roads and state highways. I envision a deliberate process of planning that maximizes public transportation access, alongside careful road-use and modern urban planning strategies.

Green Space: I will fight to keep our city beautiful. Green space is very important. I grew up in Greenbelt, Maryland, built around Eleanor Roosevelt’s vision of a pedestrian-friendly community surrounded by green spaces. Therefore, I came to understand the importance of land preservation, and appropriate development.

We must, at all times, consider redevelopment, as important as development. I will be a reasonable voice on the commission, weighing the consequences of long-term planning, especially when it comes to infrastructure and related costs.

Taxes/City Finances: Our city finances are a concern to all of us. Just as important, are taxes and property values. My extensive business background will enable me to work effectively on the city budget.

We must keep our costs in line with revenue. I will watch spending at all times. We must make every effort to keep ALL taxes low in the City of Deerfield Beach, this is PRIORITY ONE!

Code Enforcement: Code Enforcement has been a concern for many years, partly due to poor laws on the county and state level. I will work to make clearer code enforcement laws that are easy to navigate and will work for our residents. I will work with our county and state legislators to fix code enforcement laws, so that they are clearer and less burdensome. Dealing with code enforcement regulations should not be a hassle. I will make them work for you!

How would you assess the performance of the city commission? What grade would you give the commission for how it works? Why?

Grade of B – They have done a good job. They have worked hard for Deerfield Beach. However, many people have expressed that there is room for improvement.

Is there anything you want us to know about your opponent(s)?

As Commissioner, I always made myself available to the people of Deerfield Beach, and this communication is lacking right now. I do not wish to say anything negative about my opponent. This is a non-partisan election, which should be about issues and ideas affecting the people of Deerfield Beach.

Is there anything that we didn’t ask about that you would like to bring up?

At this moment, the lack of access to COVID-19 vaccine is the starkest issue facing us. The consequences of this could be fatal. There are no shortcuts that will ensure our citizens get vaccinated. No special relationships or favors will ensure that our community is fully protected. While the city does not control distribution of vaccines, I will use my position as Commissioner to insist of the county and state that everyone in DFB is able to get immunized as soon as possible.

Is there anything about yourself that we didn’t ask about that would embarrass you if an opponent found out?


Why should voters vote for you?

A lifetime of community service has prepared me to be commissioner. I have the energy, ideas, and passion to do the job.

How much money have you raised so far? Please include today’s date.

I have raised less than $1000, as of 1/28/21.

Have you received any other endorsements? If so, which ones?

I have the endorsement of The Hispanic Vote. Official notice pending.