Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach Sign Waving Events Get Deerfield Beach Residents Wound Up

Deerfield Beach Sign Waving Events Get Deerfield Beach Residents Wound Up


Phoot-John Segreto II

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-In what will be the most contentious presidential race ever in America, readers have opinions. Today on our Facebook group we have found the following post generating a ton of online traffic. We are printing it in its entirety verbatim and will update later.

The UnAmerican Retardlicans held a “rally” on the corner of Hillsboro and Federal. Total joke!!
3 corners for Biden, 1 tiny group of loud, lying dummies on the 4th.
The Trumpty Dumpty losers with the biggest beer bellies were using megaphones and calling the Biden women fat. Absolute coward stuff. Then they were yelling about the 2nd amendment, communism<they never heard of Joe McCarthy ? > Finally, they were screaming about pedophile issues, <I grab them by the p#ssy> Such sub-human garbage.
Thank God were getting rid of this moron soon.




  • Can we stop referring to people of an opposite political party as “retards or -tard”? Let’s not stoop to their disgusting level of insulting people with special needs. Be better than them.


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    • 38m
    • Yeah, it’s not a word people should use at all.


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      • 32m
    • Emily Lily Wright

      stay home- stress free

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      • 27m
    • Emily Lily Wright

      sorry not just you. I meant all the rallies- stay home. Too much stress!

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  • Real classy. Yep you lefties are so right??? #Trump2020??


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    • 25m
  • I was sitting at the corner in my car watching them lol eating breakfast after my workout
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  • Eh missed it. I had a special salute for them. Its reflects how I feel every time he disgraces our military by throwing up his salute to military personnel.. every time I walk into the VA I give his picture this special salute.?


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    • 21m
  • So how do we make our own Biden support rally?
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    • 2m
  • Biden family is corrupt.
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    • 1m