Home City Of Deerfield Beach Our Take-Coronavirus No Joke Especially When It Is Your Family Afflicted With...

Our Take-Coronavirus No Joke Especially When It Is Your Family Afflicted With It.


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-To all the doubters and naysayers Screw You!

The virus is really dangerous and for some deadly.

Any Governor or President that downplays it are assholes. Holding rallies for your followers in a pandemic and not telling everyone to wear masks and social distance is tantamount to reckless endangerment at its worst .

I write this post after finding out my two daughters have the virus. They like many have taken the warnings seriously socially distanced and wore masks. Being students at UCF Florida’s largest University seems to make avoiding the virus difficult.

The time has come for our President who was lucky he had a mild case and our Governor take this virus seriously. The federal government needs a plan the haphazard leave it to the states is not working. The US has the highest amount of deaths in the world. Cases are spiking in 36 states as of this morning. We still have a President and many of his followers who think and believe they can wish away the virus and it will disappear. Time to listen to the doctors and scientists and not pay attention to a president that has failed on his mission to protect Americans. Mr. it was a democratic hoax hopefully will be voted out of office shortly. In the meantime, he needs to do his job.

To all the morons who insist it is a joke and will not wear a mask or socially distance, you are assholes~!