Home Business Dirty In Deerfield- Restaurant Inspections The Good And The Bad

Dirty In Deerfield- Restaurant Inspections The Good And The Bad


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-First up this week is Cracker Barrel, where they too have a fly problem and required a follow-up inspection. Next up is Golden Wok who passed but had 7 violations of which 3 were a high priority.

Both Subway on Hillsboro Boulevard and Tailgaters have some food handling and storage issues going on.

On the perfect score no violations we have Lemon Cafe and  Michael’s Pizza!

Name: CRACKER BARREL #380 License Number: SEA1618564
Rank: Seating License Expiration Date: 12/01/2020
Primary Status: Current Secondary Status: Active
Location Address: 1250 SW 11 WAY
Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date Result High Priority Violations Intermediate Violations Basic Violations
Routine – Food 10/06/2020 Follow-up Inspection Required
Violations require further review, but are not an immediate threat to the public.
More information about inspections.
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A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below. The department cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing. Intermediate violations are those which, if not addressed, could lead to risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury. These violations include personnel training, documentation or record keeping and labeling. Basic violations are those which are considered best practices to implement. While most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner (often during the inspection), the division’s procedures are designed to compel compliance with all violations through follow-up visits, administration action or closure when necessary.
Violation Observation
35A-02-6 High Priority – Live, small flying insects in kitchen, food preparation area, food storage area and/or bar area. Approximately 20 live flies at dry storage area next to walk in cooler in hallway next to kitchen. Approximately 20 live flies at dish room in kitchen Approximately 10 live flies at dry storage area next to to dish room and dining room not in kitchen
Name: GOLDEN WOK License Number: SEA1623542
Rank: Seating License Expiration Date: 12/01/2020
Primary Status: Current Secondary Status: Active
Location Address: 3712 W HILLSBORO BLVD
Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date Result High Priority Violations Intermediate Violations Basic Violations
Routine – Food 10/08/2020 Met Inspection Standards
During This Visit
More information about inspections.
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A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below. The department cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing. Intermediate violations are those which, if not addressed, could lead to risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury. These violations include personnel training, documentation or record keeping and labeling. Basic violations are those which are considered best practices to implement. While most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner (often during the inspection), the division’s procedures are designed to compel compliance with all violations through follow-up visits, administration action or closure when necessary.
Violation Observation
23-24-4 Basic – Buildup of food debris/soil residue on equipment door handles on cookline,
14-70-4 Basic – Ice buildup in walk-in freezer. **Repeat Violation**
03D-01-5 High Priority – Cooked/heated time/temperature control for safety food not cooled from 135 degrees Fahrenheit to 70 degrees Fahrenheit within 2 hours. 3:22 chicken wing (82°F – Cooling); 3:45pm chicken wing 81°F cooling. Per cook was made two hours ago. Observed cooling on counter. Base on temperature food will not cooler within 2 hours due to ambient temperature of kitchen. Advised to move to cooler for fast chili
14-15-4 High Priority – Nonfood-grade paper use for food storage – direct contact with food in walk in cooler.
03A-02-5 High Priority – Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. eggrolls (62°F); cut cabbage (83°F) both left on counter for lunch. Reviewed with manager to use time as a public health control or keep in cooler under 41°F. All food put back in cooler. **Corrective Action Taken** **Repeat Violation**
27-16-4 Intermediate – Hot water not provided/shut off at employee handwash sink. Manager shut on hot water. **Corrected On-Site** **Repeat Violation**
02C-02-5 Intermediate – Ready-to-eat, time/temperature control for safety food prepared onsite and held more than 24 hours not properly date marked. Chicken and eggrolls in walk in cooler with no date mark. **Repeat Violation**
Name: SUBWAY License Number: SEA1619217
Rank: Seating License Expiration Date: 12/01/2020
Primary Status: Current Secondary Status: Active
Location Address: 1724 W HILLSBORO BLVD
Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date Result High Priority Violations Intermediate Violations Basic Violations
Routine – Food 09/16/2020 Follow-up Inspection Required
Violations require further review, but are not an immediate threat to the public.
More information about inspections.
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A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below. The department cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing. Intermediate violations are those which, if not addressed, could lead to risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury. These violations include personnel training, documentation or record keeping and labeling. Basic violations are those which are considered best practices to implement. While most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner (often during the inspection), the division’s procedures are designed to compel compliance with all violations through follow-up visits, administration action or closure when necessary.
Violation Observation
36-03-4 Basic – Cove molding at floor/wall juncture broken/missing, near three compartment sink.
06-04-5 Basic – Time/temperature control for safety food thawed at room temperature. Steak left on counter. Employee moved to walk in cooler. **Corrected On-Site**
42-01-4 Basic – Wet mop not stored in a manner to allow the mop to dry. **Repeat Violation**
22-43-4 High Priority – Quaternary ammonium sanitizer not at proper minimum strength for manual warewashing. Do not use equipment/utensils not properly sanitized. 0ppm, employee advised machine not working, I advised to not setup with water until ready to use and to pour the sanitizer in the sink. Advised to employee to use strips to make sure the strength is correct before washing dishes.
03B-01-6 High Priority – Time/temperature control for safety food hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Meatballs at 106°F, per employee heated in microwave at 8:00am advised to remove and heat above 165°F. Reheated 182°F.**Corrected On-Site** **Corrected On-Site**
53A-03-7 Intermediate – Food manager certification expired. A list of accredited food manager certification examination providers can be found at http://www.myfloridalicense.com/DBPR/hotels-restaurants/food-lodging/food-manager/ Expired on 3-6-14.
27-16-4 Intermediate – Hot water not provided/shut off at employee handwash sink. Per employee has a repair order for the sink in front counter.
53B-01-5 Intermediate – No proof of required state approved employee training provided for any employees. To order approved program food safety material, call DBPR contracted provider: Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association (SafeStaff) 866-372-7233. **Repeat Violation**
Name: TAILGATORS SPORTS BAR & GRILLE License Number: SEA1621472
Rank: Seating License Expiration Date: 12/01/2020
Primary Status: Current Secondary Status: Active
Location Address: 1825 W HILLSBORO BLVD
Inspection Information
Inspection Type Inspection Date Result High Priority Violations Intermediate Violations Basic Violations
Routine – Food 09/30/2020 Met Inspection Standards
During This Visit
More information about inspections.
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A summary of the violations found during the inspection are listed below. The department cites violations of Florida’s sanitation and safety laws, which are based on the standards of U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Food Code. High Priority violations are those which could contribute directly to a foodborne illness or injury and include items such as cooking, reheating, cooling and hand-washing. Intermediate violations are those which, if not addressed, could lead to risk factors that contribute to foodborne illness or injury. These violations include personnel training, documentation or record keeping and labeling. Basic violations are those which are considered best practices to implement. While most establishments correct all violations in a timely manner (often during the inspection), the division’s procedures are designed to compel compliance with all violations through follow-up visits, administration action or closure when necessary.
Violation Observation
08A-05-6 High Priority – Raw animal food stored over ready-to-eat food. Raw beef over bread in freezer. Cook removed beef to bottom shelf. **Corrected On-Site**
01B-02-5 High Priority – Stop Sale issued on time/temperature control for safety food due to temperature abuse. Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. 5 lbs pasta (47°F); .5 qt soup (48°F); 2 lbs sour cream (44°F); 1.5 scallop (51°F); 2 lbs raw shrimps (49°F) observed ambient of unit 51°F. See stop sale, food has been in unit overnight. Establishment has other working unit.
03A-02-5 High Priority – Time/temperature control for safety food cold held at greater than 41 degrees Fahrenheit. 5 lbs pasta (47°F); .5 qt soup (48°F); 2 lbs sour cream (44°F); 1.5 scallop (51°F); 2 lbs raw shrimps (49°F) observed ambient of unit 51°F. See stop sale, food has been in unit overnight. Establishment has other working unit.
03B-01-6 High Priority – Time/temperature control for safety food hot held at less than 135 degrees Fahrenheit or above. grilled chicken (105°F – Hot Holding) advised to bring temperature above 165°F. **Corrective Action Taken**