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The Other Most Read Story Updated-City Of Deerfield Needs To Buy Back The Beach


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-We are updating our post to include emails from BSO about the last incident on the beachfront property. We stand by our post that it is time the city buy back the property from Ms. Clothier.

In a city where spending 18 million dollars a year for a single agency to be privatized and costs the taxpayers ten percent of our annual budget. In a city where favored builders get awarded contracts for ten million dollars when they are not the lowest bidder, Deerfield Beach needs to buy back the beach.

For whatever reason seems there is a faction of residents and non-residents that wish to challenge Ms. Clothier’s right to enjoy her beachfront property in peace. There have been multiple incidents of trespassing on her land. One incident seemed to involve the Boca Raton police department, seems there was another of many just the other day that required BSO to come out and resolve.

The city of Deerfield Beach needs to do the right thing and buy back the sand. Ms. Clothier has attorneys the city knows who they are. The city wastes more money on nonsense and things that appear on the surface to be ripe with corruption and favoritism. The cost of the city to pay attorneys to fight Ms. Clothier also is no small fee. Seems the fastest and least costly way for Deerfield Beach to be returned to the citizens is to purchase the sand back.

Now is the time the city commission and Mayor Ganz need to write the check and resolve the ongoing situation on our beach. When you are on the losing side of a legal situation the rule of holes applies. Stop digging.

It is my understanding the city knows what the price is to buy back the beach, do it and do it now! Take the money from the same place we pay Calvin and Giordano who is way overpaid for code enforcement services.