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YouTube -“Constitutional Auditors” Raise Questions About Constitutional Rights -Videotaping And Press Credentials


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl- A “Constitutional Audit” trend has become a thing on YouTube. While there are many of them that have some huge followings and garner millions of page views. YouTube has no shortage of Constitutional Auditors monetizing a YouTube site. This can be prosperous if you have page views.

Basically, it is a citizen with some balls and some time on their hands making or inserting themselves into a situation that is sure to bring police or federal law enforcement response. Sometimes it can be taking pictures outside of a nuclear facility. Sometimes it is as simple as walking into a local police station lobby and begin taping. Sometimes they are on public property on the backside of a police station or the FBI and they are taping the tags and makes and models of official unmarked cars.

The Auditors do raise some good constitutional questions. Starting with their obligation to produce ID to the police. In many cases, these auditors are in the right and they are not obligated under Florida law to produce ID. They also are correct when law enforcement asks them for Press Credentials when they state they are members of the media. As we have covered before in Broward county there is no such thing as a press pass. You can buy a phony pass online from sellers of ID but they are not official and no local authority issues something called a Press Pass. The Broward County Sheriff does have a plastic license plate that identifies your car or truck and can be placed in the window but it is no ID.

The following is a local auditor BIG NICK who seems to be gaining a following –