Home City Of Deerfield Beach National Police Week BSO Remembers Deputy Nimtz

National Police Week BSO Remembers Deputy Nimtz


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-

Each year, the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial and Museum honors the memory of our fallen heroes. Because of the pandemic, law enforcement agencies from across the nation tuned in to a virtual Candlelight Vigil to remember 22,217 fallen heroes.

BSO’s Deerfield Beach District participated by gathering to celebrate the memory of Deputy Benjamin Nimtz who was killed in the line of duty by a drunk driver on July 21, 2019.

Deputy Nimtz had a passion for helping others stay safe. He had the knowledge and keen skill set necessary while patrolling the streets. He demonstrated a maturity beyond his years.

Today, and every day, we remember the life of Deputy Benjamin Nimtz, and all our fallen heroes, and honor their sacrifice.

#wewillneverforget #TeamBSO #nationalpoliceweek