Home City Of Deerfield Beach City Of Deerfield Beach Fails Again Today To Remove Stranded Barge- Now...

City Of Deerfield Beach Fails Again Today To Remove Stranded Barge- Now Giving Contractor More Time To Move Garbage Barge


Photo-George Cherenack

Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Deerfield Beach city officials apparently have no choice but to extend more time to the contractor of the botched reef attempt. The “Garbage Barge” has become a fixture and a danger aside from an eyesore on Deerfield Beach. For whatever reason that they have not been able to remove the Garbage Barge now, they will be given more time as the city of Deerfield Beach has no plan B. Aside from environmental concerns and sand issues we have now with Hillsboro Beach people are actually climbing on the garbage barge to take selfies. Today’s attempt to remove the barge by work crews was again a failure as of this posting at 4.50 pm the workers are gone and the barge is still there.