Beach, Fl-Not just seaweed problems, not just poop from the pipe problems. we have the dirtiest sand on the east coast. We got it all baby. Deerfield Beach is littered with cigarette butts, plastics needles and more. As the city of Deerfield Beach again depending on citizens, students, business people and tourists to clean up our dirty sand. The city of Deerfield Beach which apparently is now using a rented tractor instead of the destructive one we own which apparently is being repaired. Deerfield Beach with the kind of wasting money has continually failed to get the right equipment for its employees to use to clean the sand at the beach. The right equipment would probably eliminate the need for the city to have cleanups and hand out buckets to remove crap from our beach.
So to celebrate back to school come on down grab a bucket and a shovel. Come on down grab a bucket and help our city clean up our filthy dirty sand.
The Mayor and Commissioners have failed us by buying a lot of unnecessary crap, but not a much-needed non-pulverizing, extracting beach rake system.