Home City Of Deerfield Beach Hudak Signs On Swale In Front Of Batmasian Property Coincidence Or Finger...

Hudak Signs On Swale In Front Of Batmasian Property Coincidence Or Finger On The Scale


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-From Deerfield Beach Politics Facebook. William Broadway post and photo . “Just saw 2 signs on Federal Highway that were not placed in someone’s front yard. Small sign appears to be placed between the sidewalk and Federal Highway.. Is that against Code to be there? Also, the yellow sign is placed directly behind the small sign. Who owns that Investment Company on the yellow sign?? Coincidence?? ”


In a continued show of favoritism, Deerfield Beach seems to be allowing this as they did the Hudak signs on the Battle truck in the parade.  The city also seems to have violated the election rules having Mr. Hudak play Santa Claus seems that was not enough now we are going to post signs wherever……..