Home City Of Deerfield Beach Do Either One Of You Mayor Or Mr. Hudack Approve Of Your...

Do Either One Of You Mayor Or Mr. Hudack Approve Of Your Friend Buddy Castaldi’s Anti Semitic Dog Whistling-Hudack You Need To Debate And Stop The Excuses




Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-The above photo which clearly as we reported shows an election law violation by Deerfield beach Mayor Ganz., has sparked Anti-Semitic friends of the mayor to make comments. Time for the Mayor and candidate Hudack who is hiding from a debate to call out Buddy Castaldi and his nonsense. Aside from the fact that we only published a photo of the mayor and Hudack that they posted on Social Media, clearly they are breaking Florida Statutes. That issue aside both the mayor and Mr. Hudack need to repudiate what Buddy Castaldi AKA Buddy Sparrow has done.

What cartoon is Buddy upset with, so I can publish them more often?