Home City Of Deerfield Beach Our Take-Deerfield Beach Residents Need To Make Constitutional Challenge In Federal Court

Our Take-Deerfield Beach Residents Need To Make Constitutional Challenge In Federal Court



Deerfield-New.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Someone in Deerfield Beach or some group of homeowners need to make a constitutional challenge starting with seeking a Temporary Restraining Order enjoining Deerfield Beach from implementing its ban on gardens. Yesterday’s Florida Supreme Court ruling stating they will not here the Miami-Dade vegetable garden case would make it necessary for a federal question and access to the Federal Court to get an injunction and a trial on the merits. “Irreparable Harm” and a “Likelihood of Success on The Merits” the two most important factors in obtaining an injunction of the four needed for a TRO to issue, seem to be possible

The oppressive nature of the ordinance infringing on property owners rights for something that has been done since the founding of our country. Something that produces food and is a garden?  Seems to me a Constitutional Challenge in Federal Court on violation of several things can be found by an aggressive group of attorneys.