Home City Of Deerfield Beach Deerfield Beach Finally Releases Records Requested -We Investigate Sex In The City...

Deerfield Beach Finally Releases Records Requested -We Investigate Sex In The City Hall That Is


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-After having sources and city employees contact us it certainly seems maybe there was and is some hanky-panky going on. I do not care what they do married or not that is on them. That said when taxpayers money is being used and or abused someone must step forward. Thankfully there are others at city hall who are witness to what is going on and they stepped forward and informed us. We have been waiting months for the city of Deerfield Beach to produce documents requested which they did today.

Our story is only pertinent because employees are being promoted in some cases without merit and apparently because people have personal including sexual relationships with each other.

Are these complete records?

Deerfield-News.com certainly has to question why today we have screenshots of “Text Messages” records from and between city employees, but not Mayors from our prior requests?

That must have been during former Mayor Robb’s funeral where they had no cell or internet service except they did prove by the records sent to me. The records sent to Deerfield-News.com previously did not contain any of the mayor’s screenshots of Facebook messenger or texts as requested. We are currently reviewing the material and will have more to come.