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Our Take-Treason Is The Reason Trump Sells Out US Putin Again Becomes A World Power Cause Trump Got A Golden Shower


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl- The US was not foolish our “Intelligence” is good President Trump is an ass kissing commie loving pussy. Putin made Trump look like a chump.

Selling out our US Intelligence to be an ass kisser, well R’s you own this one. There is no reason other than treason that explains this. No Collusion my ass Russia has something on this guy.

He is Putins puppet, why doesn’t he tell us one more time how many electoral votes he got, why is he using his campaign rally speech in Helsinki and Bad Mouthing US Intelligence to appease a Commie?

The Ruskies meddled in our election you R’s can continue to deny this threaten a Coup as one reader did, but this guy has crossed the line. By the way to that coup suggesting R, you guys are the beneficiaries of the Russian meddling you have no reason to insinuate a Coup and sedition is treason. Why Trump trusts Putin over US Intelligence can only be explained by the fact he is compromised they have the goods on him.

Guess we all will be seeing the “Tinkle Tapes” soon! Yeah Golden ShowerVideo Of Our Next Prez!!!!

Mueller is coming let him finish his work then lets all look at all the evidence and say turn out the lights the party is over………..