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Our Take-America Can Do Better These Are Not Summer Camps Trump Can Stop This And He Must Now-Who Is Southwest Keys?


Deerfield-News.com- Deerfield Beach, Fl-I listened carefully to Allen Dershowitz an avid Trump defender, President Trump has the power under Article 2 of the constitution to stop this enforcement action, now! If America, is all of a sudden under we must enforce all laws on the books, then all of the states who have legalized marijuana need enforcement ASAP. Now I am not in favor of that I too believe in states rights, but these states are breaking the law. Selective enforcement by any government agency is unjust. When Deerfield Beach code enforcement singles out someone I am opposed to that and call them out. When Deerfield Beach shows favoritism toward one shopping center owner over another, we call them out. Same here Trump started this Trump must end this. Time Republicans grow a pair of balls and say wrong is wrong and demand the President reverse course. This is not about left or right, but right and wrong. This is not going to end well children aside from being traumatized by, being ripped from their parents are at risk of predators and for sure bad things are coming.


Southwest Keys follow the money……

Texas nonprofit Southwest Key Programs has snagged half billion dollars in contracts from the Trump administration to care for children detained crossing the U.S. border, according to government records.

The Administration for Children and Families provided $458 million in grants, first reported by Bloomberg News, to cover costs to care for migrant children for the 2018 fiscal year.