Home City Of Deerfield Beach State Of Florida Ethics Commission Hearing On Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz Tomorrow

State Of Florida Ethics Commission Hearing On Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz Tomorrow


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl-Tomorrow the Ethics Commission will be reviewing an Ethics Complaint that was filed back in 2016 concerning a Deerfield Beach Residents filing a complaint about then-Commissioner Bill Ganz using BSO as a tool in order to intimidate this resident in order to prevent him from speaking out against Ganz prior to the Mayoral Election.

In his complaint, this resident demonstrates how Ganz misused his Public Position in order to get BSO to write an email to this resident asking to speak to him about an email that he sent to the Commission.

We all know that based on the Ethics Commissions prior track record with reference to holding these politicians accountable, absolutely nothing will happen to Bill Ganz concerning this abuse of power which will send the wrong message to the residents.

The message should be that no Deerfield Beach resident should be afraid to exercise their right to express their concerns in writing under the threat that if Bill Ganz does not like what is being written and that this information could affect his “personal political aspirations” that he will misuse his position and order BSO to come knocking on your door. The weaponization of our Sheriff’s department by a politician, an elected official is not permissible.

The city of Deerfield Beach is rife with, rehabs, halfway homes, massage parlors/RubNTugs, corruption and scandals, payoffs from contractors to city employees/managers,  Supervisors-city employees sexually harassing another city employee and the city of Deerfield Beach and BSO ignored it.  That city employee is still on the books getting paid as many others are and do from the city when they do wrong.

Now our BSO Captain and Vice City Manager are having an affair according to sources including city employees.  The citizens of Deerfield Beach deserve leadership from our leaders both elected and appointed including our City Manager, his assistant’s our Mayor, Commissioners, and our BSO Captain. Ethics matter, actions matter, the behavior of our leaders’ matter.