Home Business The City Of Deerfield Beach Will Not Give Deerfield-News.com Access To The...

The City Of Deerfield Beach Will Not Give Deerfield-News.com Access To The Underwater Cam Feed It Is A Public Record We Want It!


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-As many know Florida has very broad “Public Records Request” laws.Deerfield-News.com has requested several times from the City of Deerfield Beach access to the underwater cam so we can simultaneous broadcast on our website.

Deerfield Beach has no copyright or any right or other reason protecting them from giving us our rightful and legal request.To the contrary Deerfield Beach is violating our constitutional rights.Now we know the city seems to provoke lawsuits and loves wasting the taxpayers dollars fighting them.Just take a look at how many hundreds of thousands of dollars this city pays in outside legal fees.



This is a cold calculated ruthless attempt by the city of Deerfield Beach to deny us our Constitutional right to this public record.

Contact Us

  1. 150 NE 2nd Avenue
    Deerfield Beach, FloridaPh: 954-480-4201

    Rebecca Medina Stewart
    Director of Public Affairs & Marketing

The city in a nonsensical security answer denied us access due to security. The same way the city cam can simulcast to the sign on US1 and Hillsboro the “Underwater Cam’ they can send us the same feed.The feed would be provided by  a piece of HTML,code that would allow us easy access and it is our right to have it!

The city has to figure out how to” unsecure” their feed and get Deerfield-News.com access,this is the cities problem not ours.Ms Medina I suggest you and our city attorney Andy Maurodis start figuring something out because we want access and we want it as soon as the camera is operating again.

Here is our latest requests.



Sent Items > Message Detail 

  Public Records Request-Heather I need a response to this The City has had more than enough time!
<[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Fri, Dec 29, 2017 3:20 am
To: “Heather Montemayor” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Mayor Ganz” <[email protected]>
<[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Sun, Nov 05, 2017 4:32 pm
To: “Rebecca Medina” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Mayor Ganz” <[email protected]>
A lot of time has passed .My request for access to the city of Deerfield Beach “Cam” is legitimate.Neither you or the city have been able to explain why you are denying this right to “Public Information” that is not copyrighted?I respectfully ask this request be taken care of without further delay.

<[email protected]> (Add as Preferred Sender)  
Date: Sun, Nov 05, 2017 4:32 pm
To: “Rebecca Medina” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Mayor Ganz” <[email protected]>
A lot of time has passed .My request for access to the city of Deerfield Beach “Cam” is legitimate.Neither you or the city have been able to explain why you are denying this right to “Public Information” that is not copyrighted?I respectfully ask this request be taken care of without further delay.
Again our city has failed to respond to a records request and has failed to provide any explanation it is now the 29th of December,Deeerfield-News.com is not going away nor is our request.
Mayor you think all this is funny  when at the end of the day you are on the losing side of this denial of a public request you might not find it so funny.Why don’t you and your PIO do your job and get us the access we are legally entitled toand save taxpayers legal fees.