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If Deerfield Beach Mayor Ganz Did Not Slander and Defame John Grassi Has Anne Geggis and The Sun-Sentinel “Should he let lies just lie there?”


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-When has a reporter crossed the line,in not reporting news and being a lackey of the government they are supposed to be at least objective about? Some think Anne Geggis of the Sun-Sentinel has crossed the line many times.Take a look at the friendships between Geggis, Ganz and Stevens(ChazTimothy)it’s like the famous triple play combination of Tinkers to Evers to Chance of pit-bullism.

If anyone needs to be questioned about telling a lie it is Mayor Ganz where is Geggis and the Sun-Sentinel on this.Ganz was out of town and could not be reached during Mayor Robb’s funeral ,I never asked that or mentioned it. Mayor you lied at least twice to me and your cronies at The Sun-Sentinel continue to shield you.

From our post of the other day-As this year comes to an end remember Mayor Ganz flat out lied about not being able to attend Mayor Robbs funeral,should have said the truth he did not want to go.I do not remember seeing that “News” fact printed in the Sun-Sentinel that the current  Mayor of Deerfield Beach did not attend the longest serving Mayor in the history of Deerfield Beach’s funeral.

Anytime Mayor Ganz has dirty work or someone who maybe irritated him he lets loose with Geggis and Stevens.Stevens the provacatuer festivus pole jerk, who is proud he took down Jean Robb according to him on a Facebook post we had to eliminate as a result of his cursing.Stevens is a coarse pain in the ass who can kiss mine as far as I am concerned,he is an Anti- Semite and this seems not to bother Mayor Ganz.Jewish community of Deerfield Beach open your eyes especially those in Century Village he seems to have a special hate for you.Maybe you could get the votes out and have his Dad removed from the Firemans Pension Board,we do not need Anti Semites or their family members there.


Here are some Anne Geggis Facebook posts-

The mayor of Deerfield Beach calls out a certain Facebook post. Should he let lies just lie there? Or … is this part of fighting back in the social media age? (starts at about 3 minutes)





Charles Keebler Is this the same Mr. Grassi that filed BK and stiffed his elderly mother $35K?



October 4 at 3:44pm


Brett Clarkson “Mr. Grassi, you’re a fool, and I’ll tell you why.”
Catherine Klasne1:15 It’s more than just a nicety. Government and media keep each other honest. If it works the way it should, no one should have to sink to the depths we’ve witnessed lately.



May 2 at 7:41pm


Chaz Stevens0:55 Will Pat Jolivet be handing out the award?



May 2 at 9:04pm


David Grimsley0:07 HI Annie



May 2 at 7:32pm


Ron Hurtibise0:48 Fantastic!


Please note Deerfield-News.com believes Charles Keebler  is Chaz “Timothy” Stevens using an Alias on his friend, Staff reporter for the Sun-Sentinel Anne Geggis’s Facebook page.We believe Mayor Ganz crossed a line calling out a citizen and now a member of the press says Mr.Grassi lies,where? Show me all the lies of Mr Grassi Anne Geggis. For the record Joseph Tiritilli who Facebook shows as your friend Anne Geggis, says he never heard of you? Faking the number of friends,having Facebook friends with fake names?

Sun-Sentinel you may want to caution employees about what they post on Social Media and then having “Fake Things” in them..