Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Deerfield Beach Prepares For Irma Mandatory Evacuation Map for Coastal Residents Gas...

Deerfield Beach Prepares For Irma Mandatory Evacuation Map for Coastal Residents Gas Available Water and Food Too


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-As of 7 Am the Dailey’s Shell on Hillsboro and Federal has gas.Speedway at 760 S.Federal Hwy and 7-11 on Hillsboro and Federal have gas.Walmart on Military below Tenth Street has water 5 case per customer limit.Chevron on Military and Hillsboro and on Hillsboro and James Moran told me delivery expected about 10.30-11 Am for both stations.
Shell on MLK Boulevard and Hillsboro also now has fuel.Trying to contact others for their expected deliveries. Publix and Target say deliveries are coming all day,remain calm be polite. There will be supplies for those still in need.The one thing I did see today at the 7-11 and Walmart were customers helping one another,did not see any arguing about line cutting or other petty stuff.The employees at both were also very polite and assisting customers,lets all be good neighbors,we are in this together.
Please if you see other stations as they get gas deliveries let us know we will update,as well as be checking with local gas retailers.
Updated at 11 AM. Deerfield-News.com