Home Business Deerfield Station Apartments Coming To Old Days Inn Site on Hillsboro Boulevard

Deerfield Station Apartments Coming To Old Days Inn Site on Hillsboro Boulevard


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Site plans received from a FOIA request indicates the old “Days Inn” site is going to become residential apartments with a retail center up front .
This tract of land has been vacant for years.
Located off SW 12Th Ave and West Hillsboro Boulevard.The only parcel not included from Hillsboro Blvd and SW 12Th Ave. is the Mobil station on the corner.

Everything just east of the rail road tracks is the spot For Deerfield Station Apartments.Originally it was a Days Inn Mote back in the seventies and eighties, at one time it had a 24 hour restaurant then changed hands to other Motel chains and eventually closed.
From the site plan it looks like they also have a retail spot designated ,we are checking on further details.Our source had said both Home Depot and Lowes were interested in opening a store or relocating in the case of Home Depot that is on the other side of SW Twetlth.