Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Do All Senators and House Members Need Police Protection?

Do All Senators and House Members Need Police Protection?


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-After The Gifford shooting people asked,the same question “Do All Senators and House Members Need Police Protection”?
Our take is it might be time during threats of terrorism both foreign and domestic,we owe our elected Congress round the clock protection.Todays tragedy should not be a blip on the screen.I understand the numbers and the cost ,but what if Isis tried what happened this morning with multiple shooters? The fact that the, Whip Congressman Scalise was there afforded police protection that would not have been there,if not for him.In our world of terrorism on a seconds notice lifes can change. We should protect the chain of command and continuity of our government at whatever cost.
Todays Heroes are The Capitol Police.