Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Driving Without Signals Deerfield Beach Same As Rest Of Florida Signal Optional

Driving Without Signals Deerfield Beach Same As Rest Of Florida Signal Optional


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Ten times yesterday I counted on a short drive on I-95 people changed lanes in front of me without a signal.Also have to add a BSO Deputy was among those in front of me on Powerline Road yesterday that did not use a signal.Today I saw one of our BSO Fire Rescue trucks turning on Military Trail into Burger King,no signal.We all have done it,or not done it as in not using turn signals.

The following is from The Society Of Automotive Engineers in regards to using a turn signal.
Dangers of Not Using Your Turn Signal

A recent study by The Society of Automotive Engineers on the driving habits of Americans unveiled some telling statistics concerning the dangers of failing to signal. According to the study:

Drivers neglect to use their turn signals roughly 750 billion times a year.
Drivers don’t use their turn signal 25 percent of the time when making a turn.
Drivers don’t use their turn signal 48 percent of the time while changing lanes.
Drivers neglect to turn off their turn signals 48 percent of the time after changing lanes.

What’s more, almost 2 million car crashes in the U.S. can be attributed to drivers not using their turn signals properly. Believe it or not, this is more than double the number of accidents attributed to distracted driving.
Due to the growing concern over turn signal misuse, researchers at The Society of Automobile Engineers are calling for the installation of “Smart Turn Signals” on all automobiles. These devices would cause a turn signal to automatically deactivate after a short amount of time, as well as issue a subtle dashboard warning/reminder if a driver forgets to use their indicators.