Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Breaking- BSO-Sonic Boom Heard In Broward, PBSO Rock Thrown at Trump Motorcade!

Breaking- BSO-Sonic Boom Heard In Broward, PBSO Rock Thrown at Trump Motorcade!


Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Broward Sheriffs Office reports that earlier this evening the Sonic Boom heard was from the US Military.BSO asked concerned citizens not to call and tie up 911 lines.BSO has confirmed the activity was caused by military airplanes .No further information as to what or why Military Aircraft were flying at high speeds from Broward north into Palm Beach County.That said The President is in Palm Beach County.

Tonite Palm Beach Sheriffs Office is reporting a rock was thrown at President Trump’s motorcade on Southern Boulevard while en route to Mar A Lago.Reports of Secret service seeking video footage from local merchants has been confirmed.No one injured.,more to follow on both sonic boom and rock throwing incident.