Home Business 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals Issues Unanimous Decision Trump Loses!

9th Circuit Court Of Appeals Issues Unanimous Decision Trump Loses!


Deerfield-News.com -Deerfield Beach ,Fl-In a 3-0 decision The 9Th Circuit Court of Appeals has issued a 3 Judge Unanimous  “PER CURIAM” decision saying “A Likelihood of Success on The Merits” is in favor of The State Of Washington Et al.

The court has repudiated the Trump administration arguments and indicate the executive order is likely Unconstitutional.

Do  not underestimate the significance of a TRO/Injunction,in order to obtain you must demonstrate the following.Requirement for an TRO/Injunction-In general, there are four elements that must be met for a court to grant a preliminary injunction or a TRO. They are: 1) that there is a likelihood of irreparable harm with no adequate remedy at law; 2) that the balance of harm favors the movant; 3) that there is a likelihood of success on the merits of the case; and 4) that the public interest favors the granting of the injunction.