Home Deerfield Beach Blotter The Devil Made Me Do It Boca Battles Satanic Vandalism,Deerfield Just Removes...

The Devil Made Me Do It Boca Battles Satanic Vandalism,Deerfield Just Removes The Pole!


Deerfield-News.com -UPDATED-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Both cities Boca and Deerfield Beach this year have braved a battle between rabble rousers seeking to excercise their right to free speech versus the patience of the community at large.Last night again for the fourth time vandals struck Sanborn Square in Boca Raton and leveled the satanic display.Again bringing to the national news medias attention the situation going on in Boca Raton and it’s “Free Speech Zone”

Deerfield Beach has seemed to resolve it’s problem simply by removing The Festivus Pole place there by blogger Chaz Stevens.Stevens also had his hand in the Boca Sanborn Square squabble as well.The main culprit in this years quagmire is “PERMITS” which the City of Boca Raton issued for these displays in a Free Speech Zone,unlike Deerfield which issued no permit.As of this posting Mr Stevens, nor anyone else have sought an injunction forcing Deerfield Beach to leave up The Festivus Pole

The Pentagram placed by John Preston Smith a Boca Raton middle school teacher,Preston is a language arts teacher at Boca Raton Community Middle School, has erected a satanic display next to a Christmas nativity scene.The PTA is apparently more than  a little upset with Preston and his antics being he is a middle school teacher in the public school system.

The Pentagram was inscribed, “In Satan we trust, one nation under Antichrist.”

Smith said he plans to restore the display. However, he is not a satanist. He said he is working with the group Freedom From Religion Foundation and ideally would like to see all religious displays gone. “We will drag them into the new century, kicking and screaming the whole way,” he said. “We’re ready to make this a yearly tradition.”

Mayor Haynie says The City of Boca Raton does not have much choice as it issued the permit and it is a Free Speech Zone.As far as vandalism The Boca Raton Police are investigating.Stay Tuned.same Satanic City same bat, I mean Boca Channel.