Home Business Deerfield Beach and Boca Raton Feel Trump Bump at The Pump!

Deerfield Beach and Boca Raton Feel Trump Bump at The Pump!

20160117_150201GAS 3-22-2015 7-11Deerfield-News.com-Deerfield Beach, Fl.

All across Deerfield Beach and Boca prices at the pump post election are on the rise!

In general prices at most Boca Raton gas stations are higher than in Deerfield Beach due to a local county fuel option tax difference.Also in Boca Raton it appears that retailers both company owned and independents will charge more in higher end neighborhoods such as the many in Boca.Above the price at Cumberland Farms pre election well under $2.00 a gallon.

Our recent market survey had prices from $2.19-2.489 in Deerfield Beach up significantly since the election. We had to search to find the lowest prices, online gas reports were not always accurate and again the disparity between the east side of town and west is inexplicable in Deerfield Beach.

The potential for 4.00 a gallon gas worries some retailers. Most gasoline retailers that are independents only earn a few cents a gallon,their profit center is the merchandise in their convenience stores and car washes sold. Gas retailers face an increase in the cost of a load of gas which today costs them about $19,000-21,000  per tanker delivered.

This number could easily double causing a load wholesale / tankwagon delivered to a gas station to rise to $38000-$40,000 per tankload delivered ,a  cost that can have a huge effect on a small businessman. Some local retailers have told us in confidence and remaining anonymous, said they are worried about their futures if gas climbs above the dreaded $4.00 a gallon mark. Fearing the major oil companies Exxon Mobil,Chevron /Texaco will crush them and their ability to stay competitive. While some say Trump is pro oil, they he fear is not pro small business and thus pro service station owner and are concerned for their futures.

Consumers driving in Boca and Deerfield Beach have seen the prices on the rise at the pump or “The Trump Bump at The Pump” since election day. The average motorist also has a great concern for gasoline topping the $4.00 a gallon mark something that could be detrimental to the local and national economy.Consumer fear the rising cost of gasoline will effect their disposable income.