Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Deerfield Beach To Follow Other South Florida Cities With Marijauna Dispensary Moratoriums!

Deerfield Beach To Follow Other South Florida Cities With Marijauna Dispensary Moratoriums!



Deerfield-News.com Deerfield Beach,Fl- Our sources say Deerfield Beach will follow Boca Raton,Delray Beach Miami Beach and other South Florida Cites with a Moratorium on  opening Marijuana dispensaries.

Deerfield-News.com sources say Deerfield Beach will have at least a 6 month moratorium on any Medical Marijauna dispensaries being opened in the city.

We await information from The City of Deerfield Beach and will post as we receive it.

Even with a Constitutional Amendment that speaks clearly as to what the citizens of Florida want,cities around the state seem to be putting the brakes on,buying time to see how they go forward.

Just take a look at recent headlines

Miami Beach enacts four-month ban on medical marijuana retail shops


Boca Raton board recommends city keeps pot businesses out another year

Vote on Delray Beach Moratorium