Home Deerfield Beach Blotter Gator calls In Broward one not so serious -Davie Police find Dead...

Gator calls In Broward one not so serious -Davie Police find Dead body


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Deerfield News Deerfield News-Deerfield Beach,Fl-Mike Jachles @BSO_Mike May 29
Saturday: Call came in as #alligator #inthetoilet @BrowardSheriff #FireRescue found this little lizard in the bowl
Deerfield News’s photo.The BSO fire rescue responded to a Salamander in the toilet after it had been reportd as an Alligator.
Tonite Davie Police confirm the death of a human at the hands of 2 Alligators.Davie Police had been notified by fisherman and have confirmed and are on scene